I am in love with Ones and Zeros...
As far back as I can remember, if I broke it I had to fix it. There was no expecting those who took care of me to make a second purchase of items they had already spent their hard earned money on. Race tracks, bicycles, Atari games, televisions, dolls, jewelry, furniture, you name it. There was no limit to what my brain was immensely intrigued with figuring out.
The love of wanting to know what made things go tick tock, translated into a Technology Career and I got my beginners start in the United States Army as a Wire System Installer (31L). In the military I was responsible for running wires/cables from node to node, aerial, on the ground or buried in the ground. After my initial site set up, the only thing left for me to do during the mission was help in the kitchen or pull guard duty. Well at the time, the kitchen was not my thing, and guard duty was boring out there trying to entertain yourself :) So I decided to cross train in everything technical.
By the time my military tour was over I knew just about every aspect to how a Telecommunications network operated and I was hooked. I landed my first job with a major Telecommunications Carrier and quickly discovered there was so many other wonderful things to be discovered. So I began my cross training adventures all over again. I pulled early mornings, late nights scratching every brain that was willing to pour knowledge into me. The more I learned, the more I discovered there was so much to know and therefore I invested my time to know it all.
Well one day came along the thought of everyone wanting a cell phone, so I had to know about wireless / mobile networks. Then I discovered the world of computers and I had to know how those worked (hardware and software). Now tablets and all types of fun smart devices are on the scene and it seems love for ones and zeros just keeps growing and growing and growing.
So hear I am today, wanting to share this knowledge with you. Wanting you to know I got you covered. Let me figure it out for you, let me talk you through the steps. Oh my, did I forget to mention I also taught various technical classes at the local college. So what are the people saying... My employers and coworkers love having me on their team and those I have instructed have given great reviews. So I again I say, let me figure it out for you, together we will conquer all things Technical.